About Me :
I am having vast experience in teaching with blend of industry. I am motivated and responsible person with a high degree of integrity. I am consistently pleasant and takes on all assignments with enthusiasm and dedication. I am having professional skills in all kitchen areas. I trained HSRT students, MSME people, under privileged students, Defence cooks and Dr.Reddy lab staffs. I conducted and organized one day workshop for Housewives. Performed as external scrutiny member for application received for the post of Associate warden at National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM) Hyderabad. Prepare Catering contract estimation for the caterer (Consultancy) – MANAGE Hyderabad. Act as selection committee member for conducting skill test for selection to the post of Associate warden at NIPHM Hyderabad.
Ph. D Details : The Role of Hospitality services in promoting tourism with special reference to star hotels in Hyderabad, Tamilnadu. Madurai Kamraj university, 2017.