On the eve of the #WorldEnvironmentDay, Director Dr Chinnam Reddy along with staff & students participated in agronomic practices at #MiyawakiForest#NITHMcampus.

Director Dr S. Chinnam Reddy hoisted the National Flag & extended the best wishes on the occasion of #TelanganaStateFormationDay. Faculty, staff members & students participated in the celebrations.

NITHM has organized #NITHM #CricketLeague Inter-Collegiate Competition (#Cricket #Tournament) from April 7th -13th, 2022. Congratulations to the Teams who stepped into the Finals of #NCL2022. #Bhavans (Winners) #AIMShm (Runners)

#BBA (T&H) 2018-22 batch Farewell Party at NITHM. Dir. Dr. S. Chinnam Reddy & Faculty shared a few words of wisdom & wished the students a successful career ahead. With numerous fun activities, the juniors gave a warm farewell to the seniors.

#NITHM #FarewellParty 

#NITHMstudents and staff actively participated in the #BloodDonation Camp organized by MNJ Institute of Oncology and Research Center, #Hyderabad at Lakeside, #NITHMcampus. The appreciation certificate has been handed to the #BloodDonors & to the Dir. Dr. S. Chinnam Reddy.

#NITHM has organized a Workshop on Futuristic Careers & Power of Image, for school principals. Speakers: Dr. Usha Yanamandra Founder- #Katalyst Institute of Professional Development #KIPD CEO - #VChic Mr. Sri Charan Lakkaraju Forbes 30Under30 Asia 2018 | Founder, CEO - #stuMagz

The inaugural ceremony of the 4th Joint International Conference On Tourism, Hospitality and Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) at #NITHM.

Ours distinguished guests: Sri. C.V. Shankar Reddy, Asst. Director, India Tourism Hyderabad -Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India. Prof. Agita Līviņa, Professor and Director, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia. Prof. Rabizoda Najibullo Director of Engineering and Pedagogical College of Dushanbe City, Tajikistan Ms. Varsha Chaturvedi, Founder-Prowess Image by Vchic Prof. Vanessa, Professor of Tourism University of Bysala and Anant National University, Mauritius Prof. Khorkashov Islombek Sangakovich Vice rector-Science & Innovation, International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan Prof. Heba Ibrahim Mohamed Mahran, Professor of Tourist Guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University Followed by a Visit to #Thub & #TSPICCC on Day 3.

In Association with

#MinistryOfTourism, Govt. of India |

#TelanganaTourism, Govt. of Telangana |

#VidzemeUniversity of Applied Science, Latvia |

#LusófonaUniversity, Portugal |

#PeopleAreCulture & #FlipTheLens, USA |

#LuxorUniversity, Luxor, Arab Republic of Egypt |

#TakoradiTechnicalUniversity, Ghana |

#TheBritishUniversityInEgypt, Arab Republic of Egypt |

#TheEngineeringAndPedagogicalCollegeOfDushanbe, Tajikistan |

#UniversityOfBirjand, Birjan, Iran |

#CollegeOfTourismAndServiceOfAndijan (CTSA), Uzbekistan |

#UniversityOfFoodTechnologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria |

#JawaharlalNehruTechnologicalUniversity Hyderabad (#JNTUH)|

#TelanganaChamberOfEventsIndustry (TCEI)

Event Sponsors:

#AalankritaResort #LexusCars #KMKevents #GreenParkHotel #TCEI #HappyVacations #HotelVivera #NMcompany #PristineEvents #SprakSoda

For Conference details Link in Bio: https://nithmthsdgs.com



Aditya Deendayal

MBA 2005-07 Executive Director
Alankrita Resort & Conversations Hyderabad
Abhishek Patawar

BBA 2012-16
Weddings By Patawar - Founder & CEO
Spark Goli Soda - Director
Country Chicken Co - Director
B. Mounika

MBA 2016-18
V. Saketh

MBA 2014-16
Founder & Managing Director at Celebrano Events and Entertainments

BBA 2005-08 Shahdag Mountain Resort Cluster Director of Operations, BAKU, Dubai
Taaj Khan

MBA 2014-16
Senior Director at Concept PR India Ltd.
Krupakar Ravipati

BSc 2014-17
Assistant Director
India Tourism, Telangana Hyderabad
Madhan Murthy

MBA 2013-15
Founder & CEO
VDo Technologies
Shyam Sunder

MBA 2013-15
Head of Marketing & Growth
VDo Technologies


National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Telecom Nagar, Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500032, Telangana Government, India

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